Recent logs of my reading activities.
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Recent readings
Book | Author | Year |
Logicomix | Apostolos K. Doxiadis | 2009 |
100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them | Teiva Harsanyi | 2022 |
Introducing Go | Caleb Doxsey | 2016 |
The Phoenix Project | Gene Kim | 2013 |
Mastering Emacs | Mickey Petersen | 2015 |
Primeiro como tragédia, depois como farsa | Slavoj Žižek | 2009 |
A Vida de Galileu | Bertolt Brecht | 1943 |
Carmilla | J. Sheridan Le Fanu | 1872 |
Simpatia pelo Demônio | Bernardo Carvalho | 2016 |
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